For Immediate Release:
Mt. Douglas Rams Football Head Coach Mark Townsend is Moving On
[Victoria, BC] – Coach Mark Townsend has stepped down as Head Coach of the Mount Doug Rams football program and will be moving on to a new coaching opportunity at Kaelakehe High School in Hawaii for the 2023 season. This was a hard decision for Coach Mark, but he could not pass up an opportunity to coach at a US high school.
For the past 19 years Coach Mark has developed an elite football program, has made a huge impact on the players he has coached and has helped the Rams win 9 provincial championships. His contribution, commitment and dedication over the years is greatly appreciated and he will be dearly missed.
“Every year, I watch our young players whom I have grown close to, graduate and themselves move on to the next phase of their lives, and now I enter a new phase in my life. It was a difficult decision but with the coaches and volunteers that are in place I know the Rams football program will be in good hands. I am confident the Rams strong program and principles will continue to represent the great tradition of Mount Douglas football into the future,” states Mark Townsend.
A new head coach has not been selected yet but will be announced once one has been appointed. In the interim please direct all inquiries to Nora Steves, Operations Manager.
“My proudest moments as a coach came when a group of players became a team and realized their full potential. I will be forever grateful for the time I had with the Rams players, coaches, support staff and school, and the relationships that grew will last forever…thank you,” says, Coach Townsend.
Mark Townsend (250) 213-6474 or
Nora Steves, Rams Operations Manager (250) 858-1044
About Mt. Douglas Rams
Founded in 1996, the Mount Douglas Rams football program has a long history of winning championships and developing players for university and beyond. We are committed to excellence in the classroom, in the community and in competition. The Rams play in the BC Secondary Schools Football Association League in the AAA West conference.